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Showing posts from November, 2017
The Anime Season So Far Fall 2017 Well well, unlike summer, the fall season has proven to be challenging. There is so much to check out that my traditional format of “talking about three shows and then rant about others” might not work that well. Heck, I might have to write a few updates to this blog since I don’t have much space or time to write about everything here. So I had to scramble around trying to pick an anime to talk about here, but I made my peace with the fact that I can’t talk about everything in one go. So I’m just going to talk about some shows I’m watching regularly, some shows that caught my attention, and somethings I just wanted to talk about. I’ll write more about this season later, if other news don’t get in the way that is. Without further ado, let’s just jump right in. I had to watch so much anime, and I’m not even done!! I’m going to start with a returning show that is as stylish as it is crazy, just like a big city like New York should be. Of